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Wright NEWS!

Posted on: Monday, March 31, 2014

Yes, twins.

13 weeks today and feeling so grateful to be double lucky! And can I point out how extremely excited I am to see Jeff as a 'daddy'. I mean, seriously! He melts my insides just watching him with our furry's. 

A big thank you to our friends and family who have been so supportive during this first trimester. It's hard to imagine feeling anything other then extreme joy when you find out your pregnant especially when you've been trying for as long as we have. But, first trimester side affects are no joke. I'm happy to have made it through those weeks and am ready to feel these babes kick. 

Michele Wright


  1. CUTEST way to announce it EVER!!!! Smooches!! Can't wait!

  2. YEA!!!!!!!!!!! SO HAPPY FOR ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Congrats! You guys will be great parents. Enjoy all of this excitement and don't worry! None of us *actually* know what we are doing ;) And that is an absolutely adorable announcement!

    1. Thank you, thank you, thank you! We're super excited and was very sweet of you to comment. :)


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