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Come Wright in | The Classics

Posted on: Sunday, February 02, 2014

This week I lost my closet. Without this bedroom as a closet I would have no room or reason to buy more. So to that, I farewell this space for good in exchange for a fast-fashion free, classic wardrobe. 
Refinery29 recently released an article that spoke to me. Written about what is called the "Nü Woman". The Nü Woman is a way of thinking about clothing that will allow every item in ones closet to match perfectly with its fellows, essentially rendering a bad outfit wholly impossible. While I think that's incredibly interesting, I'm not sure it's entirely in line with my goals. Mixing various shades of neutrals with each other that will render a foundation for one pop color will work great for most, but I enjoy outfitting color stories and bold prints too much for that. 
Lexi writes "part of being Nü was inspired by the cringe-worthy experience of looking back at people's wedding photos from the '80s and wondering a.) why anyone would ever have found that fashionable and b.) how there is any lace/chiffon left in the world today". So for me, it's less about abandoning trends and more about reinterpreting trends in a way that feels timeless and, above all, subtle. I'm clinging on to the idea of exercising restraint. Focusing on minimalism with playful and bold silhouettes and texture depth. I'm not inclined to seclude any vintage finds from my future purchases, I'm merely setting this goal in place to guide myself to buy smart, which I'm sure most can relate to. 
In case you're wondering why I'm losing my closet, Jeff and I are listing our house next week and are super excited for our next adventure. Get ready for massive amounts of interior project photo's and stories. 


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